Secrets of the Chambers

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You're Worth it All

Written By; KendrixAmieeOliver

Chapter Four – Why’d You Say That


Kendrix: KAO owns nothing! The only thing she owns is the idea.


If you’re gonna take it back

Go on paint the sunshine black

If you’re gonna tear my world apart

Why you’d you say I need you?

Why’d you say I love you?

Why do you say always?

Why do you say always?

‘Why’d You Say That’ – Rose Falcon


            Syd lay in Jack’s bed asleep. She had fallen asleep on the couch and since Z was still upset and Jack couldn’t sleep, he put her in his room.

            She stirred in his bed and yawned opening her eyes to see Jack asleep in his computer chair. She smiled.

            “Jack?” she whispered. He opened his eyes and smiled.

            “Syd?” he asked.

            “Is it really you?” she asked. He laid down next to her and held her close.

            “Yes, it really is me, my love,” he whispered, kissing her lips softly. But this time the kiss wasn’t as forceful, it was light, feathery, and sweetly romantic. She pulled away and smiled. “Well, we better get to work, Z.”

            “Z?” Syd asked.

            “Shoot!” Jack said.

            “You still love Z,” Syd said, “Don’t you?”

            “I only love Z like a sister, Syd,” Jack stated.

            “That’s the biggest bullshit I’ve ever heard!” Syd snapped. “When I said I hate you yesterday, that hasn’t changed, bitch!”

            “Really?” Jack questioned.

            “Real . . .” Syd was cut off by Jack pressing his lips to hers. She kissed back and pulled away, but held onto him, afraid to let go, “I’m so sorry, Jack, I didn’t mean it!”

            “Shhhh. It’s okay, I understand, Babe,” Jack said, hugging back.


            Z and Sky walked around the academy grounds for fresh air that morning, besides Z had gotten sick from the smells everywhere in there.

            “So, do you think it’s a boy or girl?” Z asked.

            “I don’t know and I don’t care. All I care about is giving our baby the best life possible and you, Elizabeth Delgado,” Sky said. “I know it’s kinda early in our relationship still, but whenever you’re ready,” he slipped a ring on her finger, “Put that on the wedding finger.” She smiled at him, tears shining in her glassy brown eyes and she pulled him in for a kiss.

            “I love you so much,” she said when they parted.

            “I love you too, Z,” he said and placed his hands on her now barely swollen belly, “And I love you too.”

            “I like Gama for a girl,” she told him.

            “You do, huh?” he said in a smart-aleck voice.

            “I do,” she said.

            “Alright, Gama it is for a girl,” he agreed.

            “Gama Sydney,” she said.

            “Gama Sydney,” he repeated.


            Kat woke up with a smiled, without opening her eyes.

            “Morning Doggie,” she whispered. When not receiving a reply, she opened her eyes to find him not in bed with her anymore. “Doggie? Doggie, are you here?” She got out of bed, pulling on a white robe. She ran to the control room. “Doggie!? Doggie, are you here!?” She saw him in there, holding up his sword. She sighed in relief. “Never do that again, Doggie.”

            “I’m sorry, Kitten. I just . . .” he started.

            “You should tell them. You need to help them, Doggie! They need you out there with them! Besides, Z can’t fight for much longer,” Kat said. Cruger raised an eyebrow at her statement.

            “Why?” he questioned.

            “She’s pregnant with Sky’s child,” she said.

            “WHAT!?” he screamed, running to find Z.

            “Doggie, wait!”  she said, chasing after him.


            Bridge sat in his room.

            He hated this madness. Z’s pregnant, Sky’s scared, not like he’d tell anyone, Jack and Syd have their hate/love relationship, and Kat and Cruger just acted weird around each other.

            He punched a hole in his wall and slinked down it, crying.

            “Mom!” he called in tears. “Mom, don’t leave me!”

            Dr. Ashley Hammond ran into his room.

            “Bridge? Bridge? It’s Dr. Hammond. Can you hear me, Bridge?” she asked, kneeling next to him.

            “I hear ya, Doc’,” Bridge answered. She looked into his hazel eyes and hugged him. “It’s my mom. She’s diein’, Ash’.” Ashley sat next to him, holding him close.

            “I know, Bridge, I know,” Ashley said. “Shhh. It’s okay. It’s alright.” He cried on her chest and she just sat there comforting him.

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