Secrets of the Chambers

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You're Worth it All

Written By; KendrixAmieeOliver

Chapter Five – Is It Enough


Is it enough to live

Is it enough to breath

Somebody rip my heart out and leave me here to bleed

Is it enough to die

Somebody save my life

I’d rather be anything but ordinary please

‘Anything But Ordinary’ – Avril Lavigne


            Z and Sky walked into the academy.




            Z gulped. Sky took her hand and they walked into ops quickly.

            “Z. Sky,” Cruger said.

            “Commander,” they saluted.

            “Cut the crap,” Cruger said. “I have news that Cadet Delgado is pregnant and the Cadet Tate is the father.”

            Z nodded nervously, “Yes, Commander.” He growled.

            “What does the rulebook say about these kind of things, Kat?” Cruger asked. She rolled her eyes, letting out a sigh.

            “It basically says no sex,” Kat shrugged. “But it’s not like we follow rules.

            “Kat . . .” Cruger growled.

            “What? I’m just saying . . . will you quit blaming everything on me! Z’s the one pregnant! Leave me alone!” Kat exclaimed. “I’m sick of taking your shit! Over and over! But do I complain!? NO!”

            “Katherine, I have more important things to deal with,” Cruger said.

            “Like your SPD! Your lover!” Kat exclaimed and ran off. He looked back to his rangers.

            “Now, what should I do? I can’t just put you out on your backs in the cold fall,” Cruger said.

            “Sir, I have an idea,” Sky said. “What if Kat makes the suit Z wears resistant to the attacks so we don’t lose the baby, at least until she shows. After she starts to show, Kat takes her place.”

            “I like your thinking,” Cruger said. “I’ll see if I can make it happen.”

            Z placed her fingertips on her temple.

            “Z, are you okay?” Sky asked.

            “Yeah. I’m just fi. . .” Z started, but fainted. Sky caught her.

            “I’ll take her to the infirmary, Sir,” Sky said, scooping her up in his arms.

            “Dismissed,” Cruger said. Sky rushed to the infirmary.


            Syd sat in her room working on her term paper. Boom walked into the room.

            “Hey, Syd,” Boom said. She looked up.

            “Hey, Boom. Can I help you with something?” Syd asked.

            “Well, yeah, you see I-I, I got this problem,” Boom said. “There’s this girl I like, but I think she’s taken.”

            “You think?” Syd questioned.

            “Yeah. You see, she hangs out with this guy all the time,” Boom said.

            “I see,” she said. “Who is this girl?”

            “Why don’t I show you?” he suggested. She nodded.

            He walked over to her, leaned down, and kissed her lips. She kissed back. He leaned forward and they fell onto her bed kissing.


            Sky sat next to Z who was unconscious, holding her hand. He prayed for Z to be okay. He kissed her lips and started to cry.

            “Z, please?” he begged. He looked towards the heavens, “Dear Lord. Please, please, let my baby and Z be okay. They’re all that matters to me now. Please? Please?”


            Ashley sat next to Bridge.

            “You okay?” she asked. He nodded. “You wanna go to the mess hall? Get something to eat? My treat?” He nodded. “Okay then.” She wiped the last of his tears, stood up, and helped him up. “C’mon, Bridge. Let’s go.” Ashley linked arms with him and they walked to the mess hall.

            The whole time they were eating, Bridge stayed quiet, tearing Ashley up inside. She watched him as he sat there, not crying. He was pale, tear were in his eyes, his whole body looked lifeless and colorless, and even his outfit looked faded.

            She took his hands in hers and he looked up at her. She smiled and he gave her a sad smile.

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