Secrets of the Chambers

Cabin Fever

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Ready, Set, Go Fish?


Disclaimer: Don’t own them, never will unfortunately. If I did… well let’s just say a girl wouldn’t like to kiss and tell ;) Only things I own are anything that you would not regularly see in MMPR or anything I may borrow from my muses. All rights belong to whoever forked out the cash to buy ‘em, god knows I wish I could’ve!


Jason slung his book bag down onto the floor as he twisted the chair round to sit upon it backwards, his chest pressed up against the metal back and his heels resting lightly on the front legs. The cool of the metal bars felt refreshing against his skin through the thin material of his red top. They were in the middle of a heat wave and any kind of comfort was welcomed appreciatively. In the confines of the juice bar he felt happy and at home. He’d been coming here since he was ten. Always to the same table, always with the same people - more or less. Recently his friendship group had acquired a new member, and, out of all of them, he seemed to be the one happiest with their new friend. The others were still apprehensive, they had a right to be, of course, but Jason couldn’t help but think they were being a little too wary. It was him who his new friend had tried to kill after all, he’d gotten over it, why couldn’t they.


He looked around at his friends. They were all smiling happily and chatting idly among them. He was too deep in thought to make out specific words though the din but he did notice their eyes were all trained on one spot. Reluctantly he followed their eye line and cast his gaze upon their long haired L.A friend.


“You guys aren’t still wary of him are you?” Jason was shocked by the bored tone in his voice, the others weren’t.


“Actually…” Kim said in an almost snide tone, “Had you bothered to a word of our conversation rather than just zone out on us like you do you might have heard us saying how glad we are that Zordon made him a ranger and that you pulled him into the group.”


“Good.” Jason nodded, unsure of what else to say. He was just glad that his friends didn’t see Tommy as a threat any longer.


“Jase…?” it was Trinni’s turn to speak now and she was talking in a hushed inquisitive whisper which kind of frightened Jason. He knew what it meant. Trinni was going to ask him something, on behalf of the whole group, which he would rather not answer. “Is thee maybe a deeper reason why you are seeking our approval of Tommy?”


Jason spluttered, sending his mouthful of smoothie across the table. Managing to compose himself he swallowed the rest down and looked at her bewildered.


“What?! No! Of course not, why would you think that?” For the life of him he couldn’t see any reason for her to think that but… then it hit him.


“Well it’s not that long since… since you… came out to us.” Trinni said in a low tone which only the table could hear.


Leaning back Jason rolled his eyes. “Just because I prefer to date men to women doesn’t mean I can’t have male friends too. You don’t see me pining after nor pouncing on Zack and Billy, do you?”


Zack made a mock outraged face and pouted, “And here I was thinking I meant something to you Jason Lee Scott!”


The group shared a laugh but Kim took over the inquisition a serious smile plastered across her face.


“Seriously though Jason, it’s not that long since you told us and this is a different circumstance. You haven’t known that guy since fourth grade! You haven’t witnessed him puke up after too many roller coasters or loosing his glasses after falling out of the tree house. He if attractive and he could appear rather…”


Getting sick of hearing it Jason cut her off with an abrupt hand and nodded across to where Tommy was coming to join them from the training mats.


“Quick change the subject” mumbled Zack, not wanting to be on the receiving end of the white Ranger’s temper. It was obviously to everyone - even Zack who wasn’t the most observant of the group - that Tommy did not like to be the centre of speculation and gossip.


“So, did you guys ask your parents about coming with me next week?” Kim asked, remember something she was meant to ask the gang.


The group nodded not noticing Tommy’s completely bemused and out of place _expression. The _expression didn’t last long as Tommy didn’t want them to notice. He was very guarded but he wasn’t blind. He knew they were still not sure of him so rather than lay himself on the line he’d rather keep his emotions in check and seem unfazed.


“I think it’ll be a great few days, getting away from Angel Grove. I checked with Zordon, he doesn’t mind us going either.” Billy spoke rather slowly trying to force himself not to use Billy speak. He’d been trying for some time now and it was slowly starting to become more natural to him. He was glad to let his boundaries start to crumble and his protective front of techno-babble cease.


“Where you guys going?” Tommy asked trying his best to sound nonchalant.


“My parents have given e free reign over our cabin up in the woods by the lake so I thought we’d head up there for a few days.”


Tommy nodded and went to rummage through his bag hoping none of them would notice the slight hurt and dejected look he knew his eyes would be baring.


“All of us.”


Kim said it in such a reaffirming tone that Tommy’s head snapped up abruptly and the other’s looked across at him for a reaction. He appeared almost stunned. He reminded Jason of a rabbit caught in head-lights; even if it was a cliché it was the best way to describe the look on his face. He seemed a little at odds, still unsure if the invitation reached out to him as well.


Jason couldn’t stand to see him look like that for very long. He seemed lost and scared somehow at the prospect of finally being one of them. He’d been an outsider so long it must’ve seemed rather strange and unique. Reaching out Jason clapped a hand on his back and smiled a genuine smile,


“Think you can make it?”

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