Secrets of the Chambers

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Half Way Around the World

Written by: Kendrix Amiee Oliver

Chapter 1- That Won't Stop Me From Loving You...



Lucas Kendall stood at the end of the aisle, waiting for Nadira. He stared at Katie Walker, the matron of honor. She looked to him and nodded to the front of the church as the wedding march started. He looked to Nadira.


Katie smiled warily as Lucas slipped the ring on Nadira’s finger and then they kissed. Her heart shattered into a million pieces. Lucas and Nadira ran out of the church.


Trip Regis wrapped an arm around Katie.


“So?” Trip asked.


“I’m taking the mission,” Katie said. He handed her the cell containing the information.


“Be careful, Katie,” Trip said. She nodded.



Lucas sighed as Nadira lay next to him in bed the next morning.


“Nadira, do you know where Katie went? She wasn’t there for pictures or anything,” Lucas said.


“Don’t know,” Nadira sighed, half-asleep.



Katie shot the mutant, but it reflected off of the mutant and hit her. She fell on her knees and crawled away.


“Trip... I need... help,” Katie said into her morpher and fainted from pain.



“Trip, incoming message from the past,” Alex Drake said.


“Play it,” Trip commanded.


“Trip... I need... help...”


“Katie!” Trip screamed. “Get Kendall on line!”



“Not now,” Lucas groaned. He talked into his morpher, “Lucas.”


“Katie’s hurt in the past,” Trip said.


“I’m there,” Lucas said.

Rated PG

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